浙江亞成電子有限公司是一家全國知名的綜合通信音視頻解決方案企業,前身是杭州金數音響工 程有限公司,起于2003年個體工商戶及企業成立于2006年,一直專注于渠道銷售與系統集成設計, 音視頻、燈光、集中控制、網絡傳輸、應用范圍包括:星級酒店、劇院場館、教育機構、公檢法會 議、行政中心、商業空間、系統解決方案。
Zhejiang Yacheng Electronics Co., Ltd. is a nationally renowned comprehensive communication audio and video solutions provider, formerly known as Hangzhou Golden Number Audio Engineering Co., Ltd., started in 2003 with privately-owned business and the company was established in 2006.Yacheng has been focusing on channel sales and system integrated with design, audio and video, lighting, centralised control and internet transmission. It's applications include: star-rated hotels, theatre venues, educational institutions, Public Prosecution and Law Conference, administrative centre, commercial space and system solutions.
亞成總部坐落于美麗的西子湖畔——杭州,現已擁有旗下6家控股公司,并構建了覆蓋全國近6家 辦事處及分公司,為客戶提供及時高效的本地化服務。
Headquartered of Zhejiang Yacheng Electronics Co., Ltd is located in the beautiful Xizi Lake - Hangzhou, Yacheng now has its 6 holding companies, and builds a nationwide network from nearly 6 offices and branches, to provide customers with timely and efficient localised services. Since its inception,Yacheng adhering to the principle of integrity - innovation - sharing faith.
Since its inception,Yacheng adhering to the principle of integrity - innovation - sharing faith.
通過與高科企業聯手,開拓市場,追求卓越,實現共贏,目的是為廣大用戶提供優質的音視頻產 品和服務,致力于讓用戶享受更方便、簡單、專業的智能化的視聽盛宴。
By joining hands with high-tech enterprises to develop the market,Yacheng pursue excellence and achieve win-win situation, the aim is to provide users with highquality audio and video products and services, and is committed to allowing users to enjoy a more convenient, simple, professional and intelligent audio-visual feast.
二十余年發展以來,我們不斷提升公司在專業領域的嚴謹性和技術性,并且通過釋放品牌價值, 企業文化,整合優勢資源,將自身打造成為:中國專業音響行業最具合作價值的設備供應商和技術 服務商。為市場帶來新的變革,為合作伙伴提供新的增長點,為中國音響事業添磚加瓦。亞成電子, 愿與您攜手,共創美好的未來!
More than twenty years of development, we continue to enhance the company's rigour and technology in the professional field, and through the promotion of brand value, corporate culture, integration of advantageous resources, to build ourself into: China's audio industry's most cooperative and professional equipment supplier and technical service provider. Yacheng brings new changes to the market, provide new growth points for partners, and contribute to China's audio industry development. Yacheng Electronics, is willing to work with you to create a better future!
? 2003年成立個體工商戶銷售先鋒DVD,天龍播放器
Established a self-employed business in 2003 selling Pioneer DVDs and Tenryu players.
? 2006年成立金數音響,代理先鋒DJ,SHURE,路瑪
Golden Number Audio was established in 2006, the agent of Pioneer DJ, Shure
? 2008年成立中國最大規模DJ體驗中心,代理美國萊恩
In 2008, we established the largest DJ experience center in China, and represented Rane in the United States.
? 2011年因業務擴大需要,金數音響公司變更為杭州 亞成樂器商行
In 2011, due to the expansion of business needs, the Golden Number Audio Company was changed to Hangzhou Yacheng Musical Instrument Firm.
? 2016年成為德國百靈達數字調音臺中國總經銷商
In 2016, we became the sole distributor of German behringer digital mixer in China.
? 自2011年轉型起,亞成已經是中國境內一家具有影響力的品牌運營公司,二十余載在全國各省市累積了大量的優秀經銷商。
Since its transformation in 2011, Yacheng has been an influential brand operating company within China, and has accumulated a large number of excellent dealers in various provinces and cities across the country for more than twenty years.